Thursday, August 21, 1997

World Update #8

Hi all,It's time for some reflection. I've just been going thru my World Update emailsand in the very first one in October 97 I mentioned the following: flat, blades, First Touch ultimate, travel. Here's an update on those things...FlatIn Oct I was disgruntled with the flat as there were too many people and it wasnot a welcoming/homely place, due to being in a messy state all the time. Sincethen there have been a number of people coming and going but just recently someof the core flatmates have left including myself. I shifted out last weekend.From a large house & large bedroom @ £300per month to a small bedroom in a Bed& Breakfast like place for £500pm. It has all I need except for a washingmachine. I have to go to a laundromat to wash my clothes. This is justtemporary so I can study for my English exams and also to prepare for the moveto Sweden for summer. Funnily enough I miss the guys from the old flat. The 2 flats are at theextremes which has made the adjustment more noticeable. I'll get used to thenew one I'm sure. It's closer to work so that's more convenient. Further awayfrom ultimate and the lovely big parks in London, but I can always take thetube there.Blades (in-line skates)In Oct I was pondering on the idea of buying some blades but decided not to asI thought I wouldn't use them. Well whilst in Philadephia I bought a pair andhave used them about 3 times - the weather has been too lousy to blade in. Nowthat summer is coming I am trying to get out and use them more. I am thinkingabout taking them with me to Sweden in summer.I do really enjoy blading and want to do it some more. Patti in Phili helpsmotivate me on that part and she also keeps telling me about the fantasticLandskaters group that blade over there. One day I'll join them I'm sure.First Touch ultimateWhen I last wrote about the team we had 8 players and had just won the B gradein nationals. We struggled with numbers all of last year. Now we have 24players and are entering 2 teams for the first time! We are very excited at themoment as from the last tournament we have broken into the illustrious "top 8". This is the top 8 teams (out of about 24) in the country and will mean that we get some good competitive games from now on. It also means that we have to get rid of our injuries and get fit (I fit into this category only too well).Travel Looking back at what I wanted to achieve by April I've done only half of it.But I'm happy with that and still have time to do the rest next year. I'vebasically only missed a couple of ultimate tournaments in other countries whichwill still be there in a years time. I almost landed a job in Frankfurt for18mths which would have meant more travelling but it wasn't to be. The job wastaken even before I had a chance to be interviewed.EnglishAs predicted in World Update III I did struggle with the poetry section of mypapers. After 4 attempts at it I finally handed in my coursework a couple ofweeks ago. Now all that remains is one speech and two exams in the first weekof June.The futureFollowing on from the english exams I would like to get a motorbike license.This will take 3 days to get a basic license but more if I want a full license.I'm toying with the idea of travelling Sweden on a motorbike. The only problemwith that is that I have a lot of luggage that I'd like to take with me. Mainlythis is my ultimate playing clothes and boots together with my blades (I'venever been one for travelling light).Summer is peaking out every now and then so I've decided to maximise time inthe sun. In the weekend the old flatmates went to the local tennis courts andhad a bash. It was great fun! This was one of those moments when you think that"this is what life is all about". I *really* enjoy getting together withfriends playing sport in the sunshine. Especially when it isn't organised butjust done on a whim for fun.I've been looking at returning to NZ for a while next year around February.Carol from our flat is getting married in Sydney (Australia) then and I'll bethere. I would like to tour NZ and really see it so that I can answer all thosequestions I've been asked by the english people. Heck, my cousins in Swedenknow more about NZ than I do!There are still so many things I would like to see and do. I'm slowly realisingthat I have to become picky and do only the things I *really* want to do as Ido not have enough time to do everything. For example on Sat when I left theold flat I threw out countless brochures on different countries, theatre,exhibitions and such like, because I would never get a chance to do them. I'vestill kept the TNT magazine and NZ News UK reports and tips on how to get byand what to see in some countries that I wish to travel too.Top of the list is my Sweden trip. Then I'd like to see some of Europe. Strangebut I've seen more of the States since I arrived here. Should have joined aUnited Airlines frequent flyer programme! I never thought that I'd have spentso much time in America but there are so many attractions over there and greatpeople too. It helps having a largely american ultimate team that talk abouthome. Work is slow at the moment (as you can tell) but the last month end is justaround the corner. We've built a great team here and it will be a shame toleave them but they are all being made redundant at the end of May so thetiming works well for me.I've started to miss some of the NZ things now. I miss the people and the sportmainly. Not playing netball over here is a real bummer and the NZ ultimatescene seems to have exploded since I left. There was once a time when I knewalmost all NZ ultimate players. Now I'd be lucky to know a 1/4 of them. I hopethey organise a team to the world championships and that I might be a part ofthat. That's coming up in August this year in Minnesota, US.I'm seeing the agency that had the Frankfurt job tonight so cross your fingersfor a great job with lots of money and travel for me :-).Oh dear, the phone just rang and I have some work to do. Must go.BTW I have been putting together a web page. At the moment I've just thrownsome pictures together on it - that's all I've managed to learn to do. They aremainly of the Hawaii trip. Unfortunately I haven't got my shit together interms of writing down the address but if you have a browser point it (yes the same place Dan has his site). My page is inTheTropics/Cabana and I think the street number is 7817. Look at the"neighbourhoods" window once you reach the geocities main page and track medown from there. Once in neighbourhoods you can search for me using my loginmark_wideberg. Good luck.Much peace and love and hugs and kisses to you all, well the women anyway...cheers to the blokes :-)