Monday, December 21, 1998

World Update #14

Hi everyone!It's been a long time (really long for some of you) I know but it's taken a while to get things sorted out. Plus there is only one InternetCafé here and like every other shop it closes at 17:30.Where is here? Guernsey. Part of the Channel Island that are, kind of,part of the United Kingdom. Technically speaking I've emigrated here. Mydetails are at the bottom.It's coming to the end of week one and this is what I can say so far:Pros:-A place all to myself. It's a two bedroom flat, so there is plenty ofroom for you to come and stay. That is until I find out from my agencyif I can get someone else in that flat with me (the agency is the"landlord").-Friendly people. This is neat. People are more patient here and thepace of life seems slower. Well we'll find out for sure tonight when wemeet with the auditors to go on a pub crawl. I've been told it's tenpubs, 5 mins in each and taken around by bus. Cross your fingers for me (hold your thumbs in Sweden). My only worry is making sure I can find myway home. I'm not quite used to all the little windy streets they havehere.-Lots of sports available. I've already been involved with netball threetimes this week including attending a coaching seminar by one of theex-England coaches. We did attacking. There is defending and shooting onSunday. I have 3 practices to attend on Monday nights and it is verypolitical as to which one I attend - so I figure I'll annoy everyone byattending them all in rotation. I've also made contact with somebasketball people and will attend the first training next week. Alsolooked into swimming and there is a swimming club. Joined the gym andbeen there a couple of times. Fun getting back into the weights.-Different money. It's all pounds but they like there own colours.Actually it's a pain trying to get used to it. I'm trying to get rid ofall my UK pounds to look a little less like a foreigner at the shops.-Work hours. At the moment I'm not very busy so it's in at 9 out by 5.One hour for lunch. Yep a 35hr week. Don't worry the "heat will beturned up" soon.-Clean air. Whilst the season isn't the best the air is much betterhere.-Sounds. There aren't any. I can listen to myself think for the firsttime in two years. I wake up to the sound of a clock ringing somewherein the distance.Cons:-Place to myself. It's VERY quiet. Been watching a lot of crapy soaps onTV recently. Also this has indulged my old pastime of eating whilstwatching boring TV. You will be pleased to know, however, that I've beencooking. Don't laugh. It's true. Admitedly they are take and bake fromMarks & Spenser but it's a start.-Cold home. It's already chilly in my place. Apparently some of theflats don't have any heating at all. Mine just has portable electricheaters. These places are really intended for the summer holiday goers.-Little and very expensive email. This one hurts. My link to you guys(that's non-sexist the way I say it) has been severed. Well I cannot email as much as I want to anyway.Work is starting to get interesting. It is very basic accountspreparation for large investment funds. Actually it is almost exactlylike Deloitte in NZ. For those of you that understand what that meansI'm back to being a "pleb" who gets all the jobs no-one else wants todo. Well it's week 2 now and netball on the weekend was fun. Yes, I do get alot of funny looks from the women, being the only guy. On Friday the TVwent on the blink. And yesterday (Monday) I went to netball training.I'm spending tonnes of time at the gym and enjoying that (doing weightsmainly). Will goto a basketball training on Thursday and I've madeenquiries about playing bridge. Yes, there is a lot of time to fill in!So, what are *you* are up to.............Mark(Wideberg - ex Deloitte, Cable Corporation, Sweden, Lena Gardens, FirstTouch ultimate, UK netball, Yahoo Games site, blah blah blah)Phone numbers:Hm (a payphone outside the flat, so be patient) +44 1481 710 757Mobile: +44 958 494 062 (you'll have to leave a msg)Wk (direct line) +44 1481 705 927