I hate Macs. You won't believe it but I have just been typing thishuge letter to you and I tried to cut and paste it and lost it. Ithink I was typing for 1/2 an hour.OK day 2 at the Von Schoenberg / Enqvist household.Mexico is very much the theme here as Eva imports stuff fromGuatalahara. Mainly recycled and coloured glassware. It is lovelystuff. Some of the furniture is Mexican too and it is really cool. Thehousehold is split into a winter house and a summer house. The summerhouse being just an extension on the winter one. The summer house hasa dining and lounge area with large glass windows to maximise theamount of sunshine. Outside there is a hammock to recline in andanother table for eating at. Classical swedish stuff really. There isof course also the great view of the sea.I'm developing a few ideas about the Swedes which I am sure has beenwritten before but it is fun to see it all first hand. One is therelationships between cars and homes: the younger set have flash carsand shitty homes; the older set have splendid homes but are not toofussed about how old their cars are.Another is the obvious one that Swedes are water and nature people.Both are everywhere in abundance and they make the most of both of them.Spoke to Broren today, who is in Denmark with the family, and he saidit was a shame that we didn't meet in Koster. I should see him at theend of the month. Naturally I've missed Johan for the time being toobut hope to see him and Ludvika later on in the month too. The priority for the next couple of days is making sure that I get toLatvia and Russia.Kajsa is planned to be here tomorrow (well today as it is 1am now).Batte should be here on Tuesday but I may be gone by then if I havemanaged to plan the extra-Sweden excursion. This is because I want tobe on the move to Malmö and there is also a chance I can meet up withBroren and co in Skåne.We didn't do much today except for update Hans' Netscape Navigator 3.0to N Communicator 4.05 which he was happy with as he didn't manage todo it when he tried. I have to support him here as it took me a fewgoes and wasn't a simple task.Dinner was lovely as was lunch. We had lamb with bits and pieces and awine from Chile which I didn't know was big on wine but apparentlythey have some of the biggest vineyards in the world. That wasfollowed by this superb Swedish cheese that is best described bysaying it was like a blue vien only creamy and much more delicious.More wine and then judgubbar with glas and a desert wine from Hungary that was pretty exclusive. Followed by coffee of course and a cognacbut not cognac type of drink that was pretty foobar as well. It wasapple based but I didn't like it so left it to Eva when we werechatting once Hans went to bed.She has a son? who is going out with a Czech girl called Mille orsomething. Funny huh. Interesting hearing about the glass blowingfactories in Mexico too. They charge one price regardless of how manyyou order. In fact, they don't like to do too many of one item,naturally enough, as they are all hand made and they get terriblybored. I'd never thought of that and foolishly suggested to Eva thatshe would be in a good bargaining position by ordering so much.Well time for bed. Anything else?.....NahLove and all that jazz,M
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