> > End result: You need visa's for Russia, Poland and Latvia.> Thanks for this. The end result here is that I will not be going to> Russia which I am really disappointed about. I had so much wanted to> go to St Petersburg. I'm not that fussed about Riga but it will be fun> to see Alena again. Actually it is proving to be a bit of an obstacle> as I have offers of places to stay mounting up here now in Sweden. I> could be in Skåne right now with Broren and Inger and Batte who I met> a couple of hours ago offered to give me a ride West to his summer> house to meet the family this week too.> But it looks like Latvia will be on as I can get a visa there. The> russians don't want any tourists if there visa application process is> anything to go by. You have to book into a hotel and get a certificate> from the hotel and then goto the Consulate with 3 photos, passport and> money. And then it takes 7 days. I cannot beleive they make the> process so hard.> Never mind.> I have some really exciting news now. I was just the guest of Lill> Lindfors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Archipelago Boys just had a rehearsal> with her at her house near Karlaplan (the rich area). It was for a set> that they will be performing tomorrow night at Skansen. This will also> be televised so I will watch it there.> Did I mention that I met Kajsa and her boyfriend Johan yesterday. They> both come across as very confident people and it is understandable> given what they have been up to. Both are in singing groups and Johan> plays music too. Not sure if Kajsa does but I would guess so. Kalle> does but I have not met him as yet. Also Johan is vice president of > the YMCA group here.> Anyhow meeting Lill and the boys was a treat. And to be at their> rehearsal too I felt like I was with the stars!!! What a feeling! Lill> has aged very well and is an attractive woman of 60. She definately> looks the part and the boys are just that around her I think. They> feel privaleged to work with someone so well known but find her> demanding at times as she is so professional in what she does. Still a> great time for me!> Thanks for all the info about the visas. It's good to know that Prague> is easy and I'm glad I added Poland to the list as I suspected there > would be problems. We will just have to avoid it if we can.> Ciao for now. I mentioned to Hans that you were waiting for an email> and he smiled and said that he was waiting for one too.> He doesn't check it that much - hasn't done so since I got here anyway,> peace> M
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