Thursday, December 27, 2012


The new year could be unlucky for some (13), however, for me, I can't remember looking forward to a new year with as much enthusiasm as this one.

2013 holds many opportunities not all of which are risk-free.

Generally I don't make wishes for New Years or if I do it's usually some beauty queen claptrap like "I wish for world peace." This time around I will wish for something equally as unrealistic:

For 2013 I wish for the ability to instantly share

Let's be clear - I'm not wishing for a Twitter account! I couldn't imagine anything more abhorrent. 

Actually ... upon reflection perhaps I should have phrased that as "the ability to record".

Every day there are scenes, events, images, or stories that I want to share with my phantom readers. For example, today I saw a man at a cafe laugh and the way his mouth opened into this enormous laugh seemed impossible, and yet, there it was. The emotion was everywhere in his face and would have made a great photo. Another example is the lovely conversation I had with a cafe worker whilst I was next doors at the furniture repair shop talking with my favourite sokak kedisi (street cat).

So what I wish for is this.

  1. A mini camera to be built into my glasses that in a nano second focuses and records an image. It will need to be operated in a symbiotic way so that I can instantly command it to operate. I was thinking along the lines of - if I blink for one whole second it takes a photo.
  2. A personal scribe who follows me everywhere and records all the Shakespearian prose that I utter.

As I understand it the first item is already technically possible albeit a tad expensive to manufacture. And of course the second item is surely possible. I simply need to find someone who doesn't have all their faculties working correctly so that they might find this onerous task interesting. It would have to be pro bono naturally.

Is it so much to ask for?

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