Monday, January 23, 2012


The world turns in circles and so do I.

So here I find myself once again in Istanbul. I've been living out of a day pack since I arrived last Thursday (a mere 5 days ago). I can assure you I will have a shower, shit and shave today to clean off the pong. I did have a half shower the other day…

Athough it was a very difficult time upon arrival the mist is beginning to clear and the weather is assisting greatly in that regard. Another 5 degrees and you could call it a Scottish summer which is my favourite kind.

I found out at the 11th hour that my prearranged accomodation wasn't going to happen (you can understand my feelings after 30 hours travel having to rush to find a room for the night). What was worse was when events changed and it became available - it wasn't available due to some rather negative vibes. That hurt :(

So lovely Danielle chirped at the end of the phone that it would be "No problem" in an extremely welcoming voice to stay with her. The word 'saviour' comes to mind.

She has been fabulous and let me crash in her lounge and I've essentially been her lap dog for the last few days folowing her around which has been nice. It's meant that I had some lovely chats, nice meals and just company which is what I needed after the abrubt rejection.

Yesterday I spent some time with students from an old class which was nice. We had a few drinks and a good laugh with their new teacher.

Also yesterday I was real lucky and found some accomodation. It was the first place I looked at. Someone is looking after me out there. I must deserve it :)

I move in today. It's a tiny tiny room not much larger than a small single bed but it's a place I can call home which is all I need at this stage. There's been too much upheaval and I really want something to hold onto. 

Funnily enough it's about 15m from my first home in Turkey so that's cool from the point of view that I know the area and transport and food spots. It's with 3 other lads - ages I'm not sure yet but I get the feeling they are young. Mustafa, who showed me the flat is needless to say - with a name like that - Turkish. I've been told the other two are Lebanese and Ukrainian. All working although Mustafa works part-time to support his studies.

The flat is just 4 bedrooms with a kitchen and bathroom. No lounge. This is pretty common in Istanbul to help reduce rents.

I have 2 meetings planned with friends for later this week and I've just popped into an English school to get a business card to email my CV to. So things are progressing. 

I'd have to say for me I'm pretty focused at the moment. I really want to get on with things. I have after all moved almost everything I own here now. Too much luggage to return in one flight now so that's a real commitment isn't it?

How ones mood can change with a little bit of luck and some really good friends for support!

Oh plus there's a cat - haven't met him/her yet either.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Food is better than sex

.. that was just to get your attention and it seems to have worked.

Just wanted to share with you that I had a lovely lamb madras today for lunch. Along with the garlic naan it was the dogs bollocks!

If you are from Türkiye and you understood that then ConGrAtUlAtIoNs :)