Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I Must Share...

I simply have to share this moment with you. Close your eyes and imagine…

Not so long ago you were having a glorious breakfast with a loved one. Glorious not because the food was amazing, but glorious because you were with them.

Summer is fading away. Autumn is taking hold.

You’re at home alone now. You’re becoming more aware of your surroundings. Something feels … different…

You’re relaxing on a comfy bean bag.

The balcony door is ajar - through which your recently adopted street cat has come to join you.

A fresh autumn breeze is whispering into the room. The cool air balances the warmth penetrating your inner core from the radiant sunshine that’s beaming to you from billions of light years away.

From your right you can hear delightful bird sound that’s being delivered to you, surprisingly, from your computer game. From the left comes the sound of the garden fountain gaily creating bubbles in the pond.

As you rest your head back onto the soft bag your eyes move out of the sunlight and rest sweetly behind your eyelids.

As the cat cleans itself on your lap your mind empties and you let natures voices wash over you.

You can feel your energy being restored...


