Wednesday, August 12, 2015

One of those nights

It was “One of these those nights”

You know the kind… when you stay up later than you should, drink more caffeine than you should, and then try to get to sleep at 1am.

Come 3am you’re still wide awake and your brain is running at 110kph.

I don’t know what you do in these difficult situations, but I usually face the reality that it ‘ain’t gonna happen and get up to do something semi-productive rather than continue monotonously staring at my eyelids.

After completing my daily dose of online Turkish lessons, I decided that, although I was dead-dog-tired, I still wasn’t going to get any shut-eye any time soon.

In the wee hours of the morning, knowing that I’ll be up for at least another 4 or so hours, I often dive into my TV series folder and dig something out.

Having just recently updated said folder, I was delighted to recommence watching a superb series called Mr. Robot.

A considerable time ago I watched the first episode as it happened. That is to say that I usually watch TV series omnibus style (think Eastenders or Corry), meaning 2 or three at a time. But in this case, as it had just started ‘in real life’ as it were, I couldn’t do my usual trick.

Three brilliant viewings later it was approaching 8am and I wearily headed to bed again.

Usually this does the trick and I’m sound asleep until around 2pm. Last night however, was One of those Nights when nothing was going to work.

Thus I got up for the second time at 11am realizing that I was still exhausted, and no matter how long I doggedly kept myself horizontal in the tropical heat of our bedroom, sleep was going to continue to elude me.

One of These Nights - The Eagles

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