Friday, May 25, 2012

I'm super human

The ageing process is more apparent to me now that it has ever been before. And that's not a bad thing - it's just the way it is. Okay I admit it's a little disappointing sometimes or rather I find myself saying "OMG I'm so unfit". "Which really is about health and not ageing." I hear you say. True true.

So where was I coming from? Let me backtrack a little and explain.

Prior to yesterday, last year was the last time I had a morning class and evening class on the same day. It's called a split shift and teachers tend to dislike it because it leaves a 5 hour gap in the middle of the day where you can't really go home and it's difficult to occupy yourself or relax knowing you've got another class to teach later in the day.

So I left home at 8.30am and didn't get back till 11.40pm. Even though the classes were far apart and there was the break I was busy working on stuff in the break and felt quite exhausted by the time I got home.

And so, as is often the case, I'm walking home past the last night food shops feeling like I've been a good boy and deserve a treat. In I go and grab a 1 litre of coke, 2 chocolate bars, and a Magnum ice cream.

Continuing the walk home I tell myself I mustn't have it all at once as that would be OTT and mega unhealthy.

Then, of course, I get home and proceed to go through the whole lot. 3 hours later it's coming up to 3am and I'm wondering why I need matchsticks to keep my eyes open and I'm also hyper at the same time. Go figure.

Further, I wake as usual in the early hours wondering where the sleep time went. At least I can let the cats into my room and get some solace from them.

Reflecting on it this morning I acknowledge that throughout my life I've acted like I am super human and my body will run on any fuel I carelessly shove into it. I believe that my body will run on any amount of sleep regardless of where, when or how the sleep took place.

Hence, as I get older these after effects are becoming more pronounced.

In conclusion? Realistically things won't change. I'm happy with boom and bust.

It's just ironic to note the difference between my thinking and the honest truth.

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