Saturday, May 19, 2012

Thanks Grandad

The other day I was talking the Metro into town. In the same carriage as me was a young boy with his grandfather.

The boy was asking a barrage of questions of his grandfather who was quietly listening and providing answers.

Just as we were about to get off the train the boy asked another question which had grandad going into a more elaborate explanation including the use of his hands.

When we were exiting I was thinking how great it is to have someone explain things to you. The older generation tend to have the time to answer all those silly little questions that you want answers too - especially when you are young.

I thought that the lesson had finished and that they would head outside with the rest of us, but instead was happy to see them both sit down on a bench on the platform.

As everyone was rushing by to get to their various destinations grandad calmly continued his explanation, pointing at the train and the people. 

The boy avidly watched and listened to his grandfather and posed some additional questions. You got the feeling that they could have sat there all day or until the boy's curiosity was satiated.

It was great to see...

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