Wednesday, May 4, 2011

An Average Day [WU XXX]

A day in the life... here in Turkey it's a little upside down... let me explain...

10.00 - 12.00 I get up, breakfast

12.00 - 14.00 I usually head of to work around this time. I work in two locations so it's either a 20 min walk or a combination of a 10 min walk and 10 min underground train ride (called the Metro here)

11.00 - 21.30 Work is a mixed bag somewhere in between these hours. As a teacher you only get paid for the teaching hours that you do. I do a whole heap extra as I'm learning the lesson plans and altering them to suit my own teaching style and improve them

15.30 - 18.30 In here there is usually a 1 hour gap for lunch. It's not really enough time to do anything other than order in and plan for the next lesson. In this sense the day is pretty full on

21.30 - 23.30 Depending on my mood and what I've eaten earlier I might have dinner in here

22.30 - 05.00 This is the "evening" for me. Most of the time I chill hacking away at the computer. It's a good time to Skype people in NZ. If not doing that I might be watching web TV - my current favourite is a programme called Game of Thrones

So as  you can see it's all topsy-turvey.

The working day might only last 5 hours but I am paid for 30 teaching hours per week so there needs to be enough lessons in there to cover this number of hours. I don't know exactly what hours I'm doing but at a guess I'd say 50-60. Only 1 day off per week.

Hmm it's just started to pour outside and it's now 05.30. My latest bedtime thus far....

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